How does Kôr do the CrossFit Open differently?

Every CrossFit gym tackles the Open in their own way, and at Kôr we do the CrossFit Open differently. It’s a global event that takes place for 3 weeks in March. Anyone around the world can participate by completing each of the workouts and logging their score on the community leaderboard. To join the global community and leaderboard, you need to register with CrossFit for $25.

Each workout will have 3 variations so that no matter your fitness level, you can do the workout and have a score to log. You can jump from level to level each week based on what the workout is, or do all 3 workouts in the same level. 

How does Kôr do the CrossFit Open differently?

Our morning and midday classes will do the Open workouts on Friday March 1st, March 8th, and March 15th. Which means if you can’t make it to Friday afternoon, you can still participate. We also offer Open Gym on Sunday mornings as a chance to make up a missed workout, including the weekly Open workout.

Our CrossFit coaches look forward to 4pm on Friday night when classes are put on hold for 3 weeks and instead, members and guests alike can show up and do the workout until the last person is done. Depending on the length of the workout announced, we run heats every 15 to 30 minutes. Our new and improved gym space will allow us to run larger heats because we have 7,000 square feet to use!

We do not charge our members to come to Friday Night Lights and join the fun. For anyone who doesn’t have an unlimited membership, a punchcard or drop-in fee can be used to participate.

It’s not just the workouts

Every Thursday afternoon, our CEO and Head Coach will prepare our members and guests alike for the upcoming workout. They do that by providing the following:

  • a specific warm-up that will get everyone ready to move their best during the workout (in class, this warm-up is guided)
  • a specific cool down that will kickstart your recovery so that you’re ready for whatever your weekend holds
  • a video walk through of the workout, what to expect, standards and tips to get your best score
  • setting up the gym for the workout by doing any measurements, taping, or preparing equipment
  • a mobility workout you can do before and after the workout 

At the end of the day, it is just a workout. However, we do the CrossFit Open as our annual fitness check-up to see the progress that we’ve made or get a snapshot of where we are. Our coaches are committed to helping our members see and celebrate where they are during this fun time of year, and where they are going once the 3 workouts are done.

We celebrate our members

Each year that we do the CrossFit Open, it gives us a chance to have a bit more fun each week than we normally do. Whether you’re coming to the 5:15am class or Friday Night Lights (FNL), you can dress up for each week’s theme. This year we have America, Beach, and Kôr as our weekly themes. The final theme is a chance for members to sport that year’s Open TShirt design. 

Before March rolls around, we take polaroids of every member who has signed up and proudly display those photos on our entry wall. We frame each year’s collection of images – which has grown from year to year.

Join Kor to do the CrossFit Open

And when the final workout is done, we celebrate the hard work with a little FNL pizza party. It’s a chance for everyone to cheers their firsts, wins, goals for the next one, and each other.